HVAC Repair and Replacement

Replace your home HVAC system for optimum performance

Your HVAC system keeps the indoors comfortable during harsh seasons. It is important you understand when and how an HVAC replacement should be conducted.

It’s something you don’t want to think about, let alone, experience. Unfortunately, malfunctions are pretty common when your HVAC system is old, or, if you haven’t been maintaining it properly. Despite the inconvenience, replacing the unit as soon as possible is a homeowner’s best bet.

Warning Signs You Need a Home HVAC Replacement

Trouble Controlling the Temperature

If you are having troubles getting your home to the ideal temperatures it is sure sign something is wrong with your HVAC system. It could any number of issues from a frozen air conditioning unit to a poorly performing furnace. The best thing you can do in such circumstances is to call a professional and have them assess the situation.

High Energy Bills

If you’ve noticed your bill getting higher, there could be a simple explanation–your HVAC system is trying too hard to cool and heat the home and therefore running all the time. If you notice a jump in your electricity bill, let us connect you to a trusted professional who can inform you about your options for your HVAC system.

Noisy Air Conditioning or Furnace

There are various reasons why your AC is being noisy. To sum it up, there’s something wrong. Perhaps the fan isn’t working properly or the rattling bolts have become too loose. When you hear too much noise coming from your air conditioner or furnace, you will need to get to the root of the issue. Let us connect you with trained professionals who can eliminate these noises and the headache that comes with them.

HVAC101: All You Need to Know

Repair versus Replacement


Some components of your HVAC system may outlive the unit itself. Parts like the compressor might just need repairing to get your system up and running again. This is where a trusted HVAC professional comes in handy. You’ll need to know which parts are salvageable, or if you need a full replacement.


Even the strongest HVAC units have their expiration date. If your air conditioner is freezing over, if it is pumping day and night with no results, it might be time to fully replace your system. We can connect you with a qualified, licensed professional HVAC installer who will let you know if it’s time to replace your HVAC system.

Benefits of Replacement

Your HVAC system ages as it runs. Like any major system in your home, the more it runs, the more quickly it ages. As it ages it becomes less efficient. The largest source of energy use in your home is for heating and cooling so it pays to make sure this critical system in your home is running at peak efficiency.  Discover the benefits that come with replacing your old HVAC system with a new streamlined system.

Lower Your Energy Bills

When your AC isn’t functioning properly, the bills can start to add up. With a new HVAC replacement, you’ll enjoy savings on your electricity bill. In fact, typically, you’ll see a 15-30% reduction on your AC bill. But, the savings keep coming with another 8-20% reduction of your heating bill.

Increased Resale Value

With your HVAC replacement, you’ll increase the value of your home as well as lower costly electricity bills. Your home is one of life’s biggest investments, and with a new HVAC the average return is 85%! You can also keep your system in top-notch condition with extended warranties.

Improved Comfort and Air Quality

New HVAC systems improve the air flow of your home, making a more comfortable environment for your family. A new HVAC uses variable fans to maintain constant temperatures. The new filtration system reduces allergens. Finally, pair your HVAC with a smart thermostat to control your home’s cooling and heating from anywhere.

Heating and Air Conditioning Options

Furnace with Forced Air

You can actually save money by using this type of system. A forced air furnace relies on hot air to carry heat through the house. The furnace with forced air also provides a constant level of warmth throughout the home, making it a solid choice for comfort and value.

Boiler with Steam Radiators

In steam heating systems, a boiler furnace heats water by means of a gas or oil-fired burner and turns it into steam. The heat from a boiler system is more comfortable than the heat that comes from an HVAC unit. For people living it cold climates, this is a popular choice for heating their homes.

Radiant Heating

To install radiant heating, you will need to remove old flooring. This can make this type of heating and cooling system challenging. This type of heating however covers more area for the price, so it remains a popular choice for large homes or floorplans.

Heat Pump

Heat pumps offer an energy-efficient alternative to furnaces and air conditioners for all climates. Like your refrigerator, heat pumps use electricity to transfer heat from a cool space to a warm space, making the cool space cooler and the warm space warmer.

Central Air Conditioning

Central air conditioners are powerful enough to cool different rooms at once. As chilled air circulates through the elaborate duct work of your home, your indoors remain cool. Today, innovation in technology offers a smart home experience enabled by adjustable thermostats. To top it off, there is minimal background noise! However, be prepared to pay higher bills because this type of AC system incurs more expenses than the rest.

Ductless Split AC

Let’s be honest, modern people of the 21st century don’t have much spare time. You might not want to bear the excursion of ducting which can take hours, if not days. With a split AC, homeowners can enjoy cool indoors without extensive set-up hassle! The only drawback is that this type of unit does not cool the entire house unless you install it in every room. Regardless, performance is highly efficient, monthly bills are comparatively low and, servicing is cheap. On the downside, split ACs do generate a bit of noise.

what to expect during your ac repair or installation

What to Expect

You’ll want to be prepared for your HVAC installation. Read our list of steps so you know what to expect. Make sure you follow the guidelines below to be prepared for your HVAC installation.

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